Tag: Nathan Lyon

Head in a Spin as Aussies Smite Sri Lanka

I should make it clear upfront that I am taking legal action against the Australian Test Cricket team for finishing a game that I could have spent another 2 and half days watching. Not to mention my loss of income from coverage of the rest of the game. I mean you can only imagine how much money this site turns over in a day. Actually you can stop imagining that. Regardless, what a wild ride those two and a half days of cricket played were. Australia literally smoked Sri Lanka with their own pipe (taking me back to my university days). The big worry coming into this series was around how well the Australian’s could deal with spin on turning pitches. As it turns out the sandal was truly on the host’s foot.

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Nate the Great – He Spins, He Bounces, He Flies!

As much as I’ve enjoyed the white ball games between Australia and Sri Lanka, seeing the boys in their white kit reminds me how much I love test cricket. For some, it is the antithesis of what televised sport should be – it’s slow (multi-day!), thoughtful, there’s no brawling and the mullet count is limited. And god help you if you watch motor racing and whinge to me about 5 day cricket. Round and round and round and round…

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